Posted: August 8, 2013 at 10:06 am
Before Mike Stewart, Ben Severson, Pat Caldwell and JP Patterson conquered the bodyboarding world in the early 80′s there were 2 riders that ruled before them. Jack Lindholm the Dropknee inventor and Danial Kaimi. Known as “The Boogeyman” Danial was a big wave specialist easily identifiable by his huge afro and bulking frame. Kaimi would pull helicopter rolls and drive through some cavernous pits as well as claim the 1st Morey Boogie Pipeline World Title held in ’83. Below The Boogeyman gets deep photo by Chris Van Lennup.
Posted in Hall Of Fame
Posted: August 8, 2013 at 9:52 am
Dougy and I met through our mutual admiration for Shark Island in the late 80′s. It was my favorite wave to shoot and Dougy’s favorite to get pitted. Before long this skinny kid was taking all the waves that no one else wanted and scoring the hell pits and I was lucky to be there and catch many of those waves on film. I believe it was because of Dougy who inspired a whole crew of kids to charge that turned Shark Island into a world famous wave.Photo Stroh
Posted in Hall Of Fame
Posted: August 8, 2013 at 9:43 am
South Africa has long produced a hardcore group of bodyboarding individuals who would charge hard and push the limits of performance. Brandon Foster was one of them a dropknee standout who throughout the early 2000′s went on road adventures searching out and exploring different countries well off the beaten track and tourist hotels. This shot was taken around 2001 at OTW and used in a Custom X Adv, photographer was not credited.
Posted in Retro Product
Posted: August 8, 2013 at 9:37 am
From the extremely competitive Monavale Beach on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, Slug was a member of the Peninsular Bodyboard Club competing against the likes of his brother Nick and Matt Riley.Adrian developed a strong competitive background and throughout the 90′s he became one of Australia’s most ambitious and successful performers taking his act to Hawaii where this shot was taken at Pipe photo Stroh.
Posted in Blast From The Past
Posted: August 8, 2013 at 9:30 am
Matt Allen had a worldwide reputation of a rider who would charge pretty much any lump of slabbing water that came his way. From Newport Wedge, Waimea Shorey and Teahupoo in Tahiti where this photo was taken by Russel Hoover in 2001 Matt excelled when conditions were extreme.
Posted in History Lesson