Posted: March 12, 2012 at 6:39 pm
As a surf photographer I first met Dougy Robson around the late 80′s at a training/ photo session for the Aussie surf team heading to the world titles. Dougy was the only bodyboarder and the new hot kid who was super amped to shoot photos. After that first meeting he got hold of my phone number and for the next few years we started shooting photos almost daily. Dougy introduced me to hardcore bodyboarding and to all the other top bodyboarders. Soon I was spending more time shooting Dougy and his mates than I was shooting the standups which didn’t go down well with many of my old surfing friends. Dougy was super passionate about the fledgling sport and he dragged me along in his enthusiasm. It was his persistence that got me involved. Without his constantly pushing I doubt I would have ever gone down that path. It was a shame his career was cut short with a heavy wipeout before he reached his full potential. Below Dougy King of The Island takes a left Photo Stroh early 90′s
Posted in Hall Of Fame