Posted: April 14, 2016 at 7:16 pm
Young Mitch Rawlins first trip to the Northshore, boost at Pipe Photo Stroh
Posted in Hall Of Fame
Posted: August 16, 2015 at 6:12 pm
Young Mitch Rawlins hanging out at The Billabong house early 2000
Posted in Hall Of Fame
Posted: June 27, 2014 at 11:51 pm
Early 200o’s Mitch Rawlins portrait by MC
Posted in Hall Of Fame
Posted: February 15, 2013 at 1:05 pm
Gold Coast bodyboarder Mitch Rawlins was just a wide eye young pup when he landed on the Northshore in the late 90′s for the first time. Mitch had a strong following back home so expectations were high.
Posted in Hall Of Fame
Posted: June 1, 2012 at 3:26 pm
At age 16 a skinny blond headed kid who just moved to the Gold Coast from Wollongong hooked up a sponsor with Manta and Billabong and in the coming years would captivate the world of bodyboarding with his calculated and stylish take it to the next level riding. This pic part of a 5 shot sequence was taken at Shark Island. As usual Mitch loves to tweak it and yes he made it. Photo Stroh Circa 2000′s.
Posted in Hall Of Fame
Posted: April 27, 2012 at 5:16 pm
When Mitch first rocked up to Hawaii as a young grom in the late 90′s no one expected to much. Back home in Oz his reputation was growing but on the Northshore he was a virtual unknown.Rawlins put his head down and went about creating a name for himself on his Manta bodyboard and Blade fins. His free surfing soon had tongues wagging that Australia had another Super grom coming up the ranks. This shot was taken by Chris Stroh at Off The Wall during that first trip.
Posted in Hall Of Fame
Posted: October 18, 2011 at 5:13 pm
When Tom Morey invented the bodyboard in 1971 Mitch Rawlins wasn’t even born. When this shot was taken in the late 90′s Rawlins was a third generation bodyboarder who adopted all the good points of his heroes from the past mixed with his own brand of fire power. Off The Wall Hawaii pic Stroh.
Posted in Hall Of Fame
Posted: March 22, 2011 at 8:54 pm
Mitch grew up at Wollongong on Sydneys South Coast, when the family relocated to the Gold Coast in Queensland the young Rawlins began building a solid reputation as the new kid on the block. As a grom he was winning everything and dominated the junior ranks. He was soon sponsored by Billabong and Manta and was being claimed by many at the time as the future Kelly Slater of bodyboarding. While the world title has eluded him so far Rawlins continues to carry the reputation as one of the sports most innovative and respected riders.This pic of young Mitch carving was taken at Kirra back in the late 90′s.
Posted in Hall Of Fame
Posted: October 22, 2010 at 6:05 pm
Mitch Rawlins was already being claimed as the next big thing in the sport when aged around 15 he hit the Northshore of Hawaii for the first time. For a kid from the Gold Coast being thrown into a gladiator pit like Pipeline is pretty daunting. Only the strong will survive. This huge punt by Mitch on his Manta bodyboard was taken during this maiden trip and his performance soon had tongues wagging all around the planet. pic Stroh
Posted in History Lesson