Posted: February 3, 2015 at 8:52 am
The original artwork for Vol 1 Underground Tapes featuring Mike Stewart on the cover photo Stroh.
Posted in History Lesson
Posted: September 23, 2014 at 5:47 pm
Posted in Retro Product
Posted: September 8, 2014 at 9:19 am
The title of Underground Tapes 3 was a rip off of the 1030′s cult classic “Reefer Madness” about the perils of smoking dope.
Posted in Retro Product
Posted: January 5, 2013 at 1:02 pm
Underground Tapes were a series of 10 bodyboard movies in the 90′s produced by Aussie Chris Stroh here is a best of from some of the highlights.Footage is damaged around 1.23 but comes good.
Posted in Retro Product
Posted: January 20, 2012 at 2:40 pm
The cover of Underground Tapes 9 Psychotic by Chris featuring Kyle Maligro. Footage from Reunion Islands, Portugal, Hawaii and Oz starring Stewart, Eppo, Bullet, Wingnut, Maligs, Tamega, Ben and Toby, Kainoa and the rest of the stars from ’96.
Posted in Retro Product
Posted: November 7, 2011 at 6:24 pm
Ballistic was No4 in The Underground Tapes video series from the 90′s and was significant for the fact alone it featured the first Ars and Backflip moves by Eppo. The advertisement below featured Ben Holland in the main pic performing his flip move that was Eppo’s main inspiration for the Air Roll Spin. It was a time when things were changing in the sport and it was progressing in leaps and bounds. Photos Stroh ’93.
Posted in History Lesson
Posted: September 17, 2011 at 3:12 pm
The first installment of The Underground Tapes video series by Chris Stroh came out in Nov ’91 and in total produced 10 titles under the UT name.This November the iconic video series turns twenty. At the time in Aus the sport only had overseas videos so when the UTs came out featuring Ozzie riders showing they had the skills to match the Hawaiians the local kids were amped. Here’s the first adv. that appeared in Riptide. Stay tuned for some clips featuring unseen footage from back in the day.
Posted in History Lesson
Posted: March 24, 2011 at 6:51 pm
From the makers of Underground Tapes came 16 Chambers. This segment from the late 90′s features a desert session with Hubb, Skipp, Andre, Stewart and Macca finding lust in the dust.
Posted in Retro Product
Posted: November 4, 2010 at 3:41 pm
Number 3 video in The Underground Tapes series by Chris Stroh is based in Hawaii. The film profiles Eppo during his victorious World Title campaign in January 93. A young looking Tamega gets introduced and shows just how determined he is to make a name for himself with his riding. Tim Jones takes on Waimea Shorey like no one has ever done before and there is also plenty Aussie footage as well. Thats Eppo on the cover when he was still riding for Rheopaipo. Heres another unauthorised clip we found on Youtube of the intro.
Posted in Retro Product