Posted: June 1, 2012 at 2:16 pm
When Michael “Eppo” Eppelstun came onto the bodyboard scene in the late 80′s it would be only a few short years before he would revolutionise the sport with a new gymnastic style. Eppo busted big and it was his radical approach and determination to make a name for himself in the sport that drove him to invent 3 new moves in the space of a few months. At the time kids everywhere copied Eppo and nothing much has changed since. From his huge airs to his ARS and backflip Eppo laid down the format that every bodyboarder now copies. Below Eppo with his eye on the lip ready to launch Circa 90′s photo Stroh.
Posted in Hall Of Fame
Posted: June 1, 2012 at 2:06 pm
In the late 90′s it began when the No Friends team of elite bodyboarders went on tour to promote their latest video offering. The NF guys were leading the sport at the time in every aspect and their videos were the most highly sort after videos on the market. If you were lucky the NF circus and their friends would roll into your town and blow up the sport of bodyboarding and for several years they took it to another level at each new premier. Below a ticket from the Happy Camper Tour for Video No5.
Posted in Blast From The Past