Posted: January 13, 2012 at 7:42 am
Beau Day from the inner city beaches of Sydney grew up riding in the Tamarama and Bronte shorey. When Beau burst onto the scene in the mid 90s he had one of the most tweaked inverts in the sport. However all that tweaking eventually stuffed up his back , he landed wrong in a wipeout and was forced into early retirement when he ruined his back with a career ending injury. Around 12 months out of the water recovering and doctors warning he would not bodyboard ever again Beau was back but this time he was concentrating on his tube riding skills rather than his Eppo inspired tricks. Over the next few years Beau was back and his riding had matured and was even more impressive. This shot Beau reef rushing at the peak of his skills late 90′s by Stroh.
Posted in History Lesson