Posted: February 24, 2011 at 1:41 pm

 Joey Gibbs from La Jolla worked in the original factory with Tom Morey and later BZ when they first started making mass boards in the mid 70′s. Joey was also one of the first Morey team riders who pioneered the sport. He was custom shaping boards for the likes of Jack Lindholm and others in Hi. He still rides and lives in Oxnard Ca and is an amazining waterman. He kite surfs, wind surfs,but the boog is still his favorite. Pic courtesy of Bodyboarding Mag.

Posted in Hall Of Fame

Posted: February 24, 2011 at 1:33 pm

 California’s Scott Carter has been filming bodyboarding most of his life. Scotty has released several bodyboarding films like “The Inside” and “Enough Said”  that are considered to be some of the best bodyboarding videos ever made. Crave The Cave was his third major release and followup to The Inside. While it didn’t get the same adulation as his first 2 efforts “Crave the Cave” kept the kids wanting more with plenty of camera helmet action.Released in mid 90′s.

Posted in Retro Product

Posted: February 24, 2011 at 1:25 pm

Lil Todd was just a freckle faced skinny young grom when he rocked up to the Northshore from California and battled it out with the worlds best for waves. For his age he was being hailed as a future US champion. Todd hooked up with No Friends USA and Elemenophee and his profile began to rise as he travelled the world on surf trips and competed. These days Todd has swapped over to taking pictures for a living and his work is in high demand by surf mags around the world. Portrait by Crawley Circa 2000

Posted: February 24, 2011 at 1:08 pm

Always a standout from the pack, check out Paul Roach’s Manta board covered in graffiti that he was riding on the Northshore around 2002. He called it his Dragon Dog Mullet board. It is now a part of Eppos collection. Photo Stroh

Posted: February 22, 2011 at 7:41 pm

The Circus was another Strohy production covering the epic 2000/01 epic Hawaiian winter.

Posted in General

Posted: February 22, 2011 at 7:38 pm

Pierre Louis Costes experiments on a very old school wooden paipo used by the ancient Hawaiians but with a modern approach.

Posted in General

Posted: February 20, 2011 at 7:44 pm

The IBA Tour paid tribute to some of the sports past heroes when in Feb 2011 the Turbo Pipe comp ran a specialty Masters  heat. From left to right Pat Caldwell (Inventor of the el rollo) Hauoli Reeves (Character and early 80′s standout) Ben Severson (Former World Champ 1986) Michael Eppelstun (93 World Champ) Steve MacKenzie (1996 Pipe Winner) .The heat was won by Bullet with Eppo in 2nd place. Someone smart once said. “Without roots the tree will fall over”. Pic below by Specker.

Posted in Hall Of Fame

Posted: February 20, 2011 at 7:34 pm

Eppo grew up in Port MacQuarie where there are no reef waves and swells usually closeout if it gets over 2 metres. This shot caught Eppo like most young Aussies venturing to the Northshore  forced to face  your natural fear of big waves around ’94.  photo Chris Stroh

Posted: February 20, 2011 at 6:38 pm

Throughout the  90′s Jon-Kelly was a familiar sight at Off The Wall hitting lips and pulling in. There was all-ways a tight crew of young Hawaiians that hit the famous stretch of beach during the peak winter months looking for Kodak glory while dominating the sets. Around the mid 90′s Bodyboarders ruled this strech of sand. Jon K was one of the best.

Posted in History Lesson

Posted: February 20, 2011 at 6:30 pm

Bodyboarding International Magazine featured Kauaii native Chris Burkhart on the cover of Vol2 No2 1992 issue.

Posted in General

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