Posted: June 27, 2014 at 11:58 pm

Wonton new how to put on a show especially riding a bodyboard standup. Early 90′s.



Posted: April 19, 2012 at 9:11 pm

Wonton took over the reins of stand-up bodyboarding from pioneer  Danny Kim in the 90′s. He rides  stand-up  better than most surfers even without the luxury of a fin. When he paddled out at Beach Park in  Hawaii his multiple spinners would blow people away. Apart from the tricks he could also hit the lip and pull all the cutting edge moves. A classic Northshore character, Chris constanly has a big grin always on his face.


Posted: April 8, 2011 at 5:39 pm

Wonton made the very difficult standing up on a boogie look easy. This Rheopaipo Circa ’93 advertisement is proof. Photo Libby

Posted in Retro Product

Posted: October 25, 2010 at 2:03 pm

Although Chris Won is best known for his standup on a bodyboard riding this shot was snapped at Pipe in January 93. The wave featured in Underground Tapes “Reef Madness” video and it shows Chris getting belted by the lip. Everyone who surfs serious Pipe will experience one of these eventually. Won survived and today he still surfs the Northshore as well as acting in a few Hollywood blockbusters like Into the Blue and Blue Crush.photo Stroh

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