Posted: October 30, 2010 at 1:37 pm
In January ’93 a little known bodyboarder from the mid north coast town of Port Macquarie ventured to Hawaii to try his luck in the World Title competition. Heat after heat he advanced by using a combination of turns and aerial moves. On the final day of competition the waves had all but vanished. During his semi final heat Eppo pulled a Double Roll the first time this move had ever been seen in a contest or public for that matter. He advanced to the final to battle it out in the half metre swells with Tamega, Stewart and Aka Lyman. While the others sat at Pipe waiting for the miracle ride Eppo notched a couple of long waves at Backdoor allowing him to launch a huge air rollo and room to pull a series of combo moves all the way to the beach. The country kid who only saw the ocean for the first time a few years early had done the unthinkable. Not only had he won The World Chamionship Trophy but he ended Mike Stewarts stranglehold over the title as well.The photo below shows Eppo reaping the benifits of his victory by signing a lucrative contract with Mantas Terry Fleming a short time later. Photo Chris Stroh
Posted in Contest Moments
Posted: October 15, 2010 at 3:43 pm
This pic of Eppo was the first time Michael Epplestun and photographer Chris Stroh met. The shot was taken at Maroubra in a Circus near the beach. Eppo saw the sign and gravitated to it straight away. This meeting would be the start of a long productive friendship as the pair worked together throughout the 90s photographing and videoing and later on releasing Eppos Freakshow on VHS. As bodyboarders go Eppo was never a dull moment according to Stroh. “On land or in the surf he would always be pulling something out of his bag of tricks. Eppo was unique, to bad there arent more riders like him”. pic Stroh
Posted in History Lesson