Posted: December 6, 2011 at 6:18 pm
When Eppo burst onto the main stage of bodyboarding he quickly changed the sport forever. In Jan ’93 he did the unthinkable by winning the world title. At the time he stunned the world as well as himself but he went on to prove he was a worthy champion in the years to come. This air at Foster, on the mid north coast of NSW by Stroh early 90′s.
Posted in Hall Of Fame
Posted: December 6, 2011 at 5:56 pm
Kira from Maroochydore on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland was the only Aussie female bodyboarder who was able to break the stranglehold that Brazilians female riders have had on the world womens title championships. Kira was encouraged to surf by her two older brothers and she soon rose to the top of the sport with her fearless and pro-active style. Kira El Rollo photo Stroh Off The Wall early 2000′s.
Posted in Hall Of Fame
Posted: December 6, 2011 at 5:37 pm
Jeff Hubbard blew the sport away when he took over from Eppo as the aerial king and took it up a couple of notches with his crazy acrobatic display. He left the sport speechless when he pulled the first 720 captured on film at Pipe. This air of Hubb at Off The Wall was a standard move for the kid from Kauai who pulls these moves with ease like other riders pull spinners. Photo Stroh
Posted in Hall Of Fame
Posted: December 6, 2011 at 5:30 pm
Mike Stewart is probably best known for his dominating freesurf performances at Pipeline. In the bodyboard world he is regarded as the equivalent of Gerry Lopez aka Mr Pipeline. However Mike was equally at home going the other way as well. Backdoor the reverse off Pipe is an awesome wave itself. Mike was just as impressive if not more finding the longest tubes and making them going right. Photo Stroh Circa 90′s
Posted in Hall Of Fame
Posted: December 6, 2011 at 5:18 pm
Kingy grew up surfing the beachies of Port Macquarie an area not known for producing heavy waves. Strangely enough, Damian went on to win The Shark Island Challenge in the heaviest waves in the events history and also any contest held in Australia. This shot taken from that same monster swell where riders put their lifes on the line to get barrelled. Photo CSP
Posted in Hall Of Fame
Posted: December 6, 2011 at 5:09 pm
Back to back World Champion in ’98 and 99 Andre Botha was the youngest competitor to ever capture a World Title. Growing up in Durban South Africa, Dre was a regular at Cave Rock a solid reef wave were he learnt to ride and appreciate heavy waves. Dre made his debut on the Northshore as a blond headed grommet with a weird accent and a mouthful of braces. He quickly earned a reputation for his go for it in the large winter swells. Dre was also up there with punching big moves as well. This invert at Off The Wall early 2000′s by Stroh
Posted in Hall Of Fame