Posted: February 16, 2014 at 1:32 pm

Matt should have grown up in the early 70′s, his approach to Dropknee/ Bodyboarding was like the Animal surfers of that era. They lived to ride waves and indulge in a no frills  carefree lifestyle. Matt’s a survivor, when he would camp out on The Northshore for weeks even with only small change in his pocket he always has a smile on his face. Photo Stroh early 2000′s at OTW.


Posted in Hall Of Fame

Posted: July 20, 2012 at 6:34 pm

Ozzie Dropknee legend from the Gold Coast Matt Lackey a stylemaster in the barrel. Billabong Adv……Circa 2000′s. Image supplied by Bertrand Up.

Posted in Retro Product

Posted: June 1, 2012 at 2:29 pm

Matt fits into the category as a “rebel purist”. Pretty much all Dropknee riders do otherwise they would prone and enter all the comps. Matt would rather take the money and surf for fun and when the pic below was taken he was at the top of his game. He’d taken over as the DK mainman from the goofyfoot domination of  AKA, Roach and Ballard who all went into semi retirement. Lackey has the biggest grin and when he is having a good session or just nearby its contagious and you can feel it eminating. Photo early 2000′s at OTW by Stroh



Posted in Hall Of Fame

Posted: April 11, 2012 at 12:34 pm

The story behind his shaved head occured while staying on the North Shore around early 2000′s. Matt like the rest of the young Aussie bodyboarders was living the pro bodyboarder life. That is living on survival rations. Like a bag of potatoes, rice and not much else. Well this day Matt decided he needed a haircut but had no money to waste on a hair dresser so he got one of the guys living with him to give it the chop. When it was finished it looked like he had been run over with a lawn mower it was that sketchy. Matt resorted to going fully nude nut bald to save face. This shot getting funky at OTW. Words and photo Stroh


Posted: December 21, 2010 at 7:03 pm

By the late 90′s Roach, Aka and Ballard the three goofy footed kings of DK  combined interest in the sport was starting to wane. All of a sudden there was a huge void of DK talent and photos. Matt Lackey from the Gold Coast soon filled the space. Lackey a natural foot was super keen and worked with photographers and in a short period of time magazines were full of double page spreads of his stylish carving. Lackey was soon sponsored by Billabong and his mass exposure in there adv introduced his riding ability to the world. Today Matt continues to push Dropknee to a dying market. Once regarded as cool, DK has definitely had a drop in popularity and participants of late. Matt remains unfazed and continues to stay loyal to the cause. The Lackey heavy gouge at OTW  below photo Chris Stroh

Posted in Hall Of Fame

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